Note Figure 11, designated as correct. Observe that the hip-turn has progressed beyond the address-position, so that from the waist down the player is turned slightly toward the hole. See, too, how this movement has had its effect upon the club by pulling up the left side through the taut left arm. Then notice that the right elbow has tucked itself in close to the player’s side, and that up to this moment has had little to do with the movement of the swing other than to keep it in its proper groove. The subsequent movement of the right, much like that of a tennis stroke, can easily be visualized.
Finally, observe to what degree the bend of the wrists has been retained. What little the angle has been opened has been due to the increasing pull of the clubhead as its movement became more rapid, rather than to any active use of the hands. Up to this point club-head acceleration has been contributed to only by the unwinding of the hips and the movement of the left arm by which it has caught up a little bit on the hip-turn.